The first main delivery in the ReGap project is an educational model and course template which intends to inform and prepare the design of the REGAP courses. This work is based on qualitative mapping, benchmarking and 18 focus groups with refugees/migrants and educators in the four partner countries (101 participants). This Intellectual Output was led by UPORTO, and resulted in a 130-page report.
Executive summary: Intellectual Output 01 – Design of the REGAP Educational Model and Course Template
The Intellectual Output 1 entitled ‘Design of the REGAP Educational Model and Course Template’ was led by UPORTO under WP2 and intends to inform and prepare the design of the REGAP courses under WP3. It reports a qualitative mapping, benchmarking and needs assessment activity with focus groups developed in all partner countries. It also presents a blended learning model and a course planning template, adapted for the development and implementation of online and blended courses particularly suitable for the project target group (migrants and refugees) and that can be also transferable to other target groups with similar (using the same parameters) or other (replacing parametres) challenges.
This output offers five sections. The first concerns blended education models and the cultural and gender sensitivity within online learning, the second presents the main goals and methodology of the focus groups (FG) with refugees and migrants and with educators and other professionals who work with refugees and migrants. The third section introduces the FG guidelines, namely its protocol, the fourth section presents an overview of the main data of the reports from partner countries and, to conclude, the fifth section proposes a summary of results and main implication for the REGAP courses.
The first section presents a review of the key points about online learning for migrants and refugees, as well as an overview of blended learning approach and blended learning models. It also addresses cultural and gender sensitivity in b-learning design and lastly, it includes benchmarking of educational resources offered in the REGAP partner countries of Italy, Macedonia, Norway and Portugal.
The second section offers an overview on the goals, methodology, organization and results of the FG sessions carried out in Italy, Macedonia, Norway and Portugal with refugees and migrants and with educators and professionals who work with migrants and refugees.
The third main section introduces the FG guidelines, namely its team, participants, recruitment of participants, and the protocol.
The fourth section summarises the FG reports from partner countries. There were a total of 18 focus groups sessions with a total of 101 participants in the discussions that were audio recorded. A detailed report of each FG is presented. Following the above mentioned summary, the country reports will be presented by country and by type of participants, i.e., refugees/migrants and educators/professionals, describing a general overview of the main findings and recommendations for the courses development, a brief description of the participants, as well as a summary of the main feedback received on social belonging, on cultural/gender sensitivity, on learning needs/outcomes and lastly on teaching/learning strategies.
The fifth section summarises the results and the main implications of the FG discussions for the REGAP courses, accordingly to the following topics: social belonging, and the main dimensions that emerged in the analysis, key areas of focus, welcoming basic/general information and bureaucratic issues, education and training, interculturality and social inclusion and types of social intervention; cultural/gender sensitivity, and its main dimensions, culture and history, general concerns, cultural issues and work and gender; learning needs, that include a. social belonging, subdivided in employment, citizenship, education, healthcare, welfare and basic/general information; b. cultural/gender sensitivity, subdivided in culture and history, gender and work and multiculturalism; c. languages; d. ICT skills and e. Skilled trades; and lastly, teaching/learning strategies, that comprehend a. social belonging (employment; education and basic/general information); b. cultural/gender sensitivity; c. languages; d. ICT skills; e. skilled trades and f. common strategies for the development of all courses (online; blended and general). This section also includes the model and template for REGAP b-learning courses and concludes with the final remarks reflecting the challenges and implications for future stages of the REGAP project.