Digital storytelling workshops

As part of the dissemination strategy for the ReGap project, all partners have conducted country-wise workshops for refugees, migrants and educators. Included in these workshops was also an opportunity to make your own digital story. Digital storytelling can be defined in a broad sense, and embrace all stories, fiction and nonfiction, told with digital technologies (Alexander, 2017). Still, a digital story is often personal, using the storyteller’s own voice, and no longer than a few minutes. As a result of the workshops, many stories have been produced as part of the ReGap project, also by the partners themselves.

Here are some of the many stories:

The Said Story (Italian with English subtitles)


The Vasko Pulkovski story (music only with English text)

Open doors by Gabriella Agrusti, Valeria Damiani and Giorgia Rocca (English)

Palmira (The Grandmother story) by Elsa Teixeira (English)

Places and people by Stephen Dobson (English)

The Mariama story (Italian with English subtitles)

Santa is real by Luiz Ribeiro (Portuguese with English subtitles)