Brit Svoen

Final Event in Porto, May 29th 2019

The ReGap project is approaching its end, and in this occasion we will held an international seminar in Porto to share project results and acquired knowledge. The conference will take place at the University of Porto May 29th, and is […]

Social belonging and storytelling

A key concept in the ReGap project is storytelling, arguing that digital stories, featuring refugees and migrants and used wisely and in context, may contribute to a feeling of social inclusion. This is supported by an American study (Kizilcec et […]

Digital storytelling workshops

As part of the dissemination strategy for the ReGap project, all partners have conducted country-wise workshops for refugees, migrants and educators. Included in these workshops was also an opportunity to make your own digital story. Digital storytelling can be defined […]

The history behind ReGap

The LIBE project (Supporting Lifelong Learning with Inquiry Based Education) was a two-year project funded within the Lifelong Learning Programme by the European Commission in 2014-2015. The project aimed at designing, developing and trying out, in three different countries in […]