
Digital storytelling workshops

As part of the dissemination strategy for the ReGap project, all partners have conducted country-wise workshops for refugees, migrants and educators. Included in these workshops was also an opportunity to make your own digital story. Digital storytelling can be defined […]

ReGap kick-off

Kick-off ReGap Kick-off for the ReGap project took place at the Lumsa University in Rome, 15th to 16th of November 2017. Participants from all partners, with representatives from the Advisory board, had two interesting days planning the two years of collaboration […]

The history behind ReGap

The LIBE project (Supporting Lifelong Learning with Inquiry Based Education) was a two-year project funded within the Lifelong Learning Programme by the European Commission in 2014-2015. The project aimed at designing, developing and trying out, in three different countries in […]