How to access the ReGap free online courses for refugees, ...

In the ReGap project, seven courses tailor-made for refugees and migrants are now ready for use (open access and free). These courses are Introduction Employment Health from cradle to grave Social Security and Welfare Education Gender Justice and Citizenship All […]

Final Event in Porto, May 29th 2019

The ReGap project is approaching its end, and in this occasion we will held an international seminar in Porto to share project results and acquired knowledge. The conference will take place at the University of Porto May 29th, and is […]

Social belonging and storytelling

A key concept in the ReGap project is storytelling, arguing that digital stories, featuring refugees and migrants and used wisely and in context, may contribute to a feeling of social inclusion. This is supported by an American study (Kizilcec et […]

Trialling and validation of the ReGap courses completed

From February to April 2019, the six ReGap courses were trialled by 323 refugees, migrants and educators in four countries.  Both fully online trials as well as blended (online combined with face-to-face activities led by an educator) were conducted. The […]

Digital storytelling workshops

As part of the dissemination strategy for the ReGap project, all partners have conducted country-wise workshops for refugees, migrants and educators. Included in these workshops was also an opportunity to make your own digital story. Digital storytelling can be defined […]

Let’s talk and share! ReGap Symposium at the ICDE Lillehammer ...

The ReGap project held a symposium as part of the big international conference ICDE Lillehammer Lifelong Learning Summit 2019 in Lillehammer 13. February 2019. 60-70 persons from more than 20 countries participated in the symposium, and refugees and migrants that […]

The ReGap courses ready for trials!

After months of development, the ReGap courses in their first version are now completed and ready for testing. The courses are based on the ReGap educational model, and have both general and country-specific information about the topic. All courses have elements […]

Productive and valuable Midway Partner Meeting in Brussels

The ReGap project members and Advisory board, 18 persons in total, were gathered in Brussels for a three-day eventful meeting November 26th-28th 2018. On the agenda was primarily three Intellectual Outputs: IO2 (the ReGap courses), IO4 (Instructional materials and dissemination […]

The ReGap Interim Report approved

Today, we received the good news from the National Agency that they have accepted the ReGap Interim/Progress Report. The ReGap project runs for two years (September 2017 – September 2019), and the interim report is a progress report on the […]

Related research

Research and other initiatives related to the ReGap project Closing global achievement gaps in MOOCs – Brief interventions  address social identity threat at scale. The ReGap project is taking into consideration the importance of creating a socially shared identity at the beginning of […]

The ReGap Educational Model completed

The first main delivery in the ReGap project is an educational model and course template which intends to inform and prepare the design of the REGAP courses. This work is based on qualitative mapping, benchmarking and 18 focus groups with […]

ReGap kick-off

Kick-off ReGap Kick-off for the ReGap project took place at the Lumsa University in Rome, 15th to 16th of November 2017. Participants from all partners, with representatives from the Advisory board, had two interesting days planning the two years of collaboration […]

The history behind ReGap

The LIBE project (Supporting Lifelong Learning with Inquiry Based Education) was a two-year project funded within the Lifelong Learning Programme by the European Commission in 2014-2015. The project aimed at designing, developing and trying out, in three different countries in […]